run_model module

An agent-based model demonstrating population dynamics of mating rabbits.

This file is intended to be the main script run from the command line.

run_model.create_rabbits(environment, num_of_rabbits, coordinates, lifespan)

Make new Rabbits, and return them in a list.

  • environment – A list of equal-length lists of integers representing quantities of grass in a field.
  • num_of_rabbits – An integer specifying how many rabbits will be created.
  • coordinates – A list of dicts including “x” and “y” values.
  • lifespan

    An integer specifying at what age these new rabbits will die.

    A list of Rabbits.

Decorator function to time the process.

run_model.rabbits_interact(rabbits, neighbourhood=10)

Shuffle the rabbits and then make them interact.

  • rabbits – List of Rabbits.
  • neighbourhood – Integer representing distance at which Rabbits will mate.
run_model.save_data(environment, rabbits)

Saves data generated by running the model.

Write environment to CSV file, and Agent data to text file, and test data to CSV file.

  • environment – A list of equal-length lists of integers representing quantities of grass in a field.
  • rabbits – List of Rabbits.